Thursday, November 3, 2011

Oh my gosh - November?!

Where does the time go? October was full of excitement...

Ben had a mysterious rash - similar to Measles but blood work confirmed it wasn't. we still have no idea what it was. He was out for 2 weeks pretty much - maybe even a little more. And then it was his Birthday! One already! What?!! Where did the time go? This time last year - I had a one week old and now he's one. and walking and talking like there is no tomorrow. He loves to walk everywhere. and the only thing about having a child this young walking ( he was 10.5 months when he started) is that he doesn't understand the danger of walking onto the road way. or walking away from mom and dad and not holding hands. (Not that he ever even got close to a road or parking lot!) But we are trying to teach him to hold our hand. He would basically flop to the ground, pulling his little arm out of ours as strong as he could. And he is strong! But he is getting it now. Slowly.

My favorite things about Ben:

Uh-oh.... comes just before he throws things on the floor.
Duck is his favorite word.
I love when he points to something. he makes a gun like point with his thumb and finger.
I love his sweet cuddles before bed time.
I love when he goes to his room to read a book.
He is terrified of Cow!
His sweet giggles when you tickle him
That he has his own little language ( same blabber that he has been saying since day one)
He is a social little butterfly who loves to wave at anyone he comes across!

the list goes on and on. There isn't much I don't love about this little guy. He has my whole heart.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's been awhile...

But here we go :)

He's walking. He has to be convinced sometimes that he can do it. But he can motor around when he wants to.

We've had an extremely busy summer. We travelled to Ontario, BC and Saskatchewan. Ben is an excellent little man to travel with.

He's now started daycare and I have gone back to work. I miss him terribly all day long.... but glad to be back doing what I love.

I will try to keep this updated. Mainly with photos I think.. but we will see :)


Saturday, July 23, 2011

we are still here

We are enjoying a rainy summer full of travels! We haven't spent much time at home but will update our summer soon.

Friday, June 3, 2011

My man of many faces!

{No matter how cranky you are, or how little sleep we get, I will ALWAYS love you!}

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

little things I love

We are back to cranky Ben and waking every 2 hours. this kid will not sleep more then 2 hrs! I am at a loss. Jon was apparently the same way until he was 2!! We are in for a long year and a half! Oh well. The days are long... so I have thought about writing something more positive.

These are just little things I love (other then Ben, Jon and Lola!)

- I love the sound of the wind in the trees. I love the sound of wind anyway.
- I love having my windows open.
- I love the sound of children playing in the street (or recently a child practicing an instrument down the street- at least I think it was a child...)
- I love going for long walks and then coming home to calculate just how far I have gone.
- I love the look the shadows of trees make in the sunshine.
- I love to cloud gaze.
- I love listening to storms and rain ( I can't wait for the first storm of the season!)
- I love the smell of bread baking
- I love people watching.
- I love saying the rosary with candles lit, and having peaceful time to reflect on my faith.
- I love popcorn! mmmmm
- I love walking bare feet ( in sand, grass, in the driveway! you name it!)
- I love midnight cuddles with Ben even when he gets up every 2 hrs. I used to get frustrated with getting up so much but now I look at the positive of that I get to cuddle with a not so cuddly boy anymore.
- I love listening to Cape Breton music. It reminds me of summer days in the sun.
- I love traveling ( although I am stressing out with the thought of traveling with Ben on a 4 hr plane ride at the end of the month - by myself!)
- I love when Ben giggles over and over again ( rare moments!)
- I love a clean house ( sadly my house is no where near being clean!)
- I love hanging clothes outside to dry instead of the dryer.
- I love the smell of lilac trees!
- and I love the sound of a purring cat!

Friday, May 20, 2011

His special day

Ben has been Baptized! Oh what a glorious feeling. It was a beautiful day surrounded by our family and friends. My dad came from the east coast and met him for the first time, my mom came from Ottawa, my brother came up from Calgary. My sister is in school in Ontario so she could not make it - but we are so proud of her for almost finishing school!

Other then that Ben's second tooth popped but he's been so off this whole week - not sleeping and not wanting to cuddle or be held by me! (heartbreaking!) but we had a great night of sleep last night! Hopefully he'll be back to himself soon.

well not much to say - I have tons of things going on today so I am up early to get them done!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I have cut out dairy and soy in my diet to see if it would help Ben put on some weight.... and really I don't care about the weight (well I do... but!) He is a completely different baby! We are now having more good days then bad! And he is sooooo happy! he's the happy go lucky guy we knew he always was! What a relieve! I was at my breaking point several times with him. and now that we think we know what is wrong - it has made the world of difference in him! I no longer want to check myself into the butterscotch palace! He has completely changed! and I have too. I seem to have more patience, and am able to understand what he was going through and now know that when he is crabby it is because of milk/soy or something that just didn't agree with him. He is still teething but man, the grumpy days are hopefully over! And now we are having more good days then bad! this makes our home a much more happy and peaceful place!

My dad came into town this week from the east coast. Ben's baptism is on Sunday. Saturday night was the first time my father has ever met Ben. It was a touching moment for me. I cried leading up to the day about it so I was so full of happiness when he did meet Ben. Ben was so interested in Grandpa Johnny's moustache. It was so cute!
My mom will be coming in on friday! I can't wait. She hasn't seen Ben since Christmas! I have lots of work to do (Home and actual work!) before she arrives. My place is a mess! I am trying to find the time to get everything done.

Anyway - I will post some photos soon of everything!
